Between September 2016 and February 2017, Preston Youth Dance Company embarked upon a project to develop an educational performance piece exploring Body Image for young people. Made possible through funding from Comic Relief through Community Foundation for Lancashire, PYDC researched the issues of negative Body Image through Social Media for people of their age, 11 - 19 years. Over a few months they developed a contemporary performance work which explored individually, celebrating difference, and mocking the ideas of Body Shapes and unrealistic Selfies!
In March 2017, PYDC toured the performance, alongside a practical workshop, to three schools in Lancashire, followed up by three performances of the work in regional dance platforms across the North West.
This performance and workshop package is available for booking. The workshop includes repertoire from the performance piece, creative tasks based on exploring your own thoughts on Body Image and the Media, and a discussion on how the work was made.
If you are interested in booking this for your school or community group, get in touch!
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