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Preston Youth Dance Company was initially founded in 2012 to offer young dancers in Preston the chance to develop their skills and open doors to future career opportunities in the dance sector. The company has been growing and expanding ever since into a youth-led initiative thats supports young people to be creative, share their thoughts and make super awesome, high-quality performance work!


PYDC supports gifted and talented young people aged 11-19 years to develop their dance technique and creative practice, producing high quality performance work. The company holds an annual audition to recruit new members and aims to engage people from all social backgrounds and levels of dance experience; we aim to keep costs to a minimum for those involved, to ensure everyone has access to the very best dance provision we can offer. 


PYDC invite nationally-renowned Choreogrpahers and Companies to deliver workshops or produce work for the young dancers to help inspire them further. In the past PYDC have worked with Lisi Perry, James Wilton and Edge Fwd.


In 2016, the company were selected for UDance Northwest and then successfully chosen as 1 of 3 youth groups from the North West to represent the area at the UDance National Festival! 


This past year, PYDC have toured their Body Image piece entitled 'Your re not defined by numbers' around schools across Lancashire to deliver a workshop and performance package to inspire other young people to feel empowered!


Follow PYDC's antics on Twitter - @PrestonYDC

Blue Moose Dance Company


Blue Moose Dance Company has grown to work across 2 antlers, Blue Moose LTD and Blue Moose Dance Company CIC, allowing us to spread the dancing joy even further!

Blue Moose LTD, Registered Company No. 10963231  

Blue Moose Dance Company CIC, Registered Company No. 09343271

All Content © 2018 by Blue Moose Dance Company

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